An Interview with Voyage LA

By tonipogue

I had a wonderful time doing an interview with Voyage LA Magazine recently. We talked about landscape design as a tool to improve health and well being, how the field is adjusting to climate change, and the design process I think through every time I put together a landscape plan. I hope you enjoy it!…

Three Ways to Lose Your Lawn

By tonipogue

Ready to replace your lawn with a low-water, low-maintenance landscape? You have several choices. I often hear that people don’t want their lawn any longer but think the only other option is a yard full of rock and cacti. While you can certainly have a desert landscape, it’s not your only option.

Designing for a Low Maintenance Garden, Part 2

By tonipogue

Last month I talked about the importance of knowing your yard or landscape site really well and making choices to get the best use out of the space you have. In landscape design, we hear the term Right Plant, Right Place a lot.